What is the TIF procedure?
A solution for chronic acid reflux and heartburn
Eat or drink the foods you want, when you want and say goodbye to PPIs! The Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication, also known as TIF procedure for reflux, treats GERD or LPR's underlying cause without incisions. This safe and innovative procedure rebuilds the antireflux valve and restores the body’s natural protection against reflux.
Post-procedure outcomes have shown up to 90% of patients can discontinue PPI therapy at 6 months, with up to 80% of patients reporting symptom control at 5 years! Other advantages of this incisionless procedure include: no visible scar, no risk for skin infections at incision site, reduced patient discomfort and quicker recovery time.
Give us a call today to see if TIF procedure is right for you.
Schedule a Consultation with a Specialist Today
574-245-7980 Extension 370
South Bend Location
17501 Generations Drive
South Bend, Indiana 46635
Plymouth Location
1919 Lake St, Bldg 2, Suite 107
Plymouth, Indiana 46563
LaPorte Location
900 I Street
LaPorte, Indiana 46350